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الاثنين، 14 ديسمبر 2009

7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness

7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
I want to welcome you to my 7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
eBooklet. And let me also congratulate you. Even though it cost you nothing to
download this information, realize that you’ve taken the all important FIRST
STEP in getting the body and health that you desire.
Now, before I get into the actual 7 Secrets, let me tell you a little bit about why
you should pay close attention to what I say when it comes to fat loss and fitness.
You may already know that I spent over a decade of my life experimenting and
testing out nearly every fat loss and fitness method or product I could get his
hands on. You see, I was on a mission to find the quickest and easiest way to
achieve ultimate health and fitness.
I had struggled with my weight for most of my life, and by the time I hit 30…the
bottom fell out. I was fatter than ever, had little energy for anything beyond my
job, and my self confidence was at an all time low. It’s not that I hadn’t tried my
hardest to lose the fat and boost my energy, it was just I was so busy with my
work and my family (my wife and I had just had our first child, our daughter
Some of the mainstream fat loss methods and diets I tried worked for a little
while, but I just didn’t have the time they required…or I wasn’t ready to
continually starve myself or deal with the crazy carb restrictions for too long.
I knew that if I was going to succeed in my own fitness goals, the method would
have to be simple to follow and require very little of my time (It shouldn’t be that
difficult, right?). I also found out quickly, as you may have, that spending
countless hours on the treadmill, trying to stick with an unusual fad diet plan, or
using the latest exercise gimmick just doesn’t work like you think it should…if
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
you can even stand it for more than a few weeks.
I’ve spent over twenty three thousand dollars of my own money learning what
works, what doesn’t work, and most importantly…what works while being simple
to follow and with the least amount of time commitment. It is these specific
secrets and techniques that helped me shed over 42 pounds of unwanted fat and
drop 10 inches off my waist, all while building lean and sexy muscle, strength,
and cardiovascular health (yeah, it sounds incredible, I know…but facts are
facts!). And it is this information that led me to creating these 7 Secrets Of
Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness for you.
Look, I understand how difficult it can be to take the first step toward realizing
your goals, whether it is in your work, your finances, your family, or your health.
In reality most people don’t even get this far, so the fact that you took this initial
step by getting your copy of this eBooklet already separates you from thousands
of other people out there, virtually lost in a sea of confusion (that’s not your fault
by the way).
So here’s to you…you’re about to learn about some amazing techniques, that if
you let them, can change your fitness level and literally transform your life.
But you know, I didn’t plan on spending all the past 10 plus years of my valuable
time testing fitness theories and products…I thought it was going to be relatively
easy to find the answers I wanted.
Wow, little did I know that sifting through all of the hogwash and traditional
fitness material to find the techniques that actually work with efficiency was
almost maddening! There were times when I was frustrated, confused, and
downright mad at myself for being duped into trying some of this stuff.
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
But in the end, it was all worth it for me because I was able to discover a group of
techniques and secrets that I use to stay in top condition…and all while satisfying
my minimal time requirements.
And once my friends and family got a look at the new me, they all wanted to know
just what the heck I had done. So I’ve put these secrets to work for my family,
friends, and now readers just like YOU, so that you too can benefit from this
incredible information.
But I’ve got to tell you, I’m a little jealous. What my students and readers benefit
from now from just a click or two of the mouse, I had to spend over a decade to
Besides the various specific techniques that have helped me and thousands of
others get in and stay in the best shape of their lives, I also discovered some
qualities that you must possess if you expect to succeed with your health and
fitness goals. I analyzed dozens of successful people and noticed that most all
had similar special qualities, or secrets, that allowed them to break past the
barriers that usually stifle most others.
I’m talking about the fact that winners in life (no matter what the discipline)
carry with them certain habits and behaviors that simply foster success. when
you combine these with the actual fat loss techniques I’m going to share with you,
getting in the best shape of your life quick isn’t only a possibility, it’s a near
Now, we’re just about to get into the first secret, but let me talk for a minute
about why I believe so strongly that the methods I recommend are among the
best choices compared to the other various methods out there today:
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
• Popular and mainstream methods of losing fat call for going on a strange
fad or crash type diet. Well, these diets can work in the short term, but
FAIL EVERY TIME because they are based in a short term mindset and
are too restrictive. They’re unrealistic and your body knows it. While they
may cause weight loss initially, a good deal of this weight loss is water
weight and metabolically active muscle tissue.
If you lose muscle tissue you’re making it harder to lose fat because you’re
lowering the amount of calories it takes to sustain your body weight. I
don’t have to tell you that once you go off these diets you’ll end up fatter
and more de-motivated than ever! That is not healthy.
• Popular and mainstream methods also call for the heavy reliance on
aerobic exercise as the primary and often only method of exercise for fat
burning. Aerobic exercise must be performed too long and too frequently
for most people with a life, and let’s face it, most aerobic machines end up
as coat hangers, because for most people spending 2-4 hours or more a
week doing aerobics is flat out boring.
Heavy reliance on aerobic exercise can also bring about a host of other
issues, including muscle loss, and overuse injuries and muscle imbalances.
What’s worse, long duration aerobic exercise can actually reduce the
capacity of your heart and lungs to perform work…which can be terrible
for long term health, increasing your risk for heart attack.
Now, I’m not saying you should sit on your couch all day to avoid
cardiovascular exercise. What I am saying is that there is a much more
efficient way of literally transforming your body than spending hours a
week running to nowhere (and it only takes 15-26 mintues, 2-3 times per
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
THE BOTTOM LINE IS if you focus on making a solid lifestyle change with
techniques that you can realistically implement and follow for the rest of your
life, the problems with the typically recommended methods described above will
be eliminated entirely.
So considering all that, let’s take a look at a hypothetical example of two people
and their fat loss and fitness options. Let’s say both people are about 30 years old
and want to lose about 20 pounds of fat. They also want to add improve their
physical appearance and their overall level of fitness, getting stronger and gaining
endurance so that they increase their energy in everyday physical activity. They
also have an eye on health and want to reduce their risk factors for heart disease,
cancers, and other far too common diseases.
Let’s say person A (we’ll call him Dave) follows the typically recommended diet
and exercise methods available today. Dave goes on a variety of diets
periodically, because each time he loses weight on one, it starts to come back
once he goes off of the diet, so he hops onto the next one that floats his boat. He
also start exercising performing 30 minutes of moderately paced aerobic or
cardio sessions three times per week to burn calories and fat. After a few weeks,
he doesn’t see the progress he’d like to, so Dave bumps it up to 45 minutes, 4
times per week. Still, though, progress is not satisfactory, and he might start to
notice some aches and pains in his knees, hips, or ankles.
Dave then starts to think it might be his diet that isn’t working (after all he’s
“putting in the work” in the gym), so he eats even less food or cuts his carbs out
almost entirely. Meanwhile, depriving himself of various essential foods has left
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
Dave on the edge of a mental breakdown and a major pig out (I’ve been there
before too!).
A few more weeks pass and Dave is growing increasingly de-motivated as he is
getting very little results for all of the effort he’s putting forth. By now he’s
probably lost a few pounds but doesn’t look much different in the mirror. So he
decides to add in some resistance training, because he read it is good to have
more muscle mass on your body for fat loss and other health benefits. So now
he’s in the gym 5 or 6 days a week, for up to 2 hours per session!
Dave’s close friends and family wonder where he is all of the time. At this point
he may be having trouble sleeping at night from being overworked, may end up
getting a cold or flu from too much stress imposed on his body from the exercise
frequency and lack of results, and all but give up on his weight loss and fitness
goals for a while.
But you know the craziest part? The worst part of this story? Dave will probably
return to some form of the above recommendations in a few months, when the
next fad diet, miracle weight loss pill, or exercise gimmick strikes his fancy. So at
the end of this period, he will probably have made a little fat loss progress if any,
and little or no muscle or strength gain.
Now what’s really unfortunate is that Dave’s story happens time after time after
time with, dare I say, 99% of people trying to lose fat around the globe. Let’s take
a look at what person B is doing instead:
Now let’s assume person B (we’ll call her Julie) chooses another path, the road
less traveled, that most people are completely oblivious to (like I was a few years
back). Julie starts out the right way with her diet adjustments and makes
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
sensible choices and understands that starving herself or limiting certain
wholesome foods like complex carbohydrates is not the long term answer.
She focuses on foods that are rich in nutrients, and drinks plenty of water
throughout the day. She’s naturally satisfied when she eats, and she’s not holding
back an urge to shove the next fat laden sugar loaded thing she sees down her
throat. As a result she’ll most likely start seeing fat come off relatively quickly
and it will have seemed fairly easy, almost natural.
Julie also uses resistance exercise properly two or three times each week, for 15 to
25 minute sessions. She’s in and out of the gym, quickly, getting her workout
done and back home to allow her life to continue on her terms. She’s rapidly
increasing her strength, endurance, and adding shapely and sexy lean muscle to
her body. She starts to take notice of the differences in the mirror in just a few
weeks, and so do her friends, which spurs her on to even further progress. She
tracks her improvements from workout to workout, which is very self-motivating.
After a few more weeks, her friends really take notice and ask Julie what her big
secret is and when she starts to reveal some of her strategies, their friends laugh
it off…”Twice a week in the gym, that’s it?”, “You’re eating carbs too? Oh, I can’ t
do that, it wouldn’t work for me…” they might say.
Meanwhile her body continues to evolve into a fat burning machine and she’s
able to maintain permanent fat loss and fitness for the rest of her healthy life,
while severely reducing their risks for disease, and all with little time
Now, that’s just a hypothetical example, but it is entirely possible if you use the
right approach along with the techniques I’m going to share with you. If you take
the steps to change your lifestyle correctly, you have the potential to literally
change not only your body fat percentage, but all aspects of your life.
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
When you are truly happy with what you see in the mirror every morning you feel
empowered to conquer anything. Charles Atlas, one of the pioneers of health and
fitness from the 1950’s, once said that he didn’t care if everyone in the room was
smarter than he was, because he knew that he could KICK EVERY ONE OF
I love this statement, because it speaks to the truth that when you are confident
about your body, you feel incredibly strong and powerful in everything else you
Any investment you make today to improve your knowledge on how to take the
steps like Julie did in our example can truly make the difference in your long
term fat loss, health and fitness. It can be like flipping on a light switch in a pitch
black room…it can be that drastic, as it was for me and thousands of people who
have learned the material you’re about to.
Now that you have this eBooklet, you’ll be able to start reaping these rewards too.
What kind of benefits am I specifically talking about?
• No longer will you have to be a slave to the gym, spending countless
monotonous hours each week on a treadmill, elliptical machine, or
something similar.
• No longer will you have to rush to be on time for an aerobics class. No
longer will you have to be in the gym for 4, 5, or 6 days per week,
performing various different forms of exercise to get all of the benefits you
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
• No longer will you have to follow some wacky fad or crash diet plan calling
for the elimination or severe reduction of carbs or something similar.
• No longer will you have to maniacally watch your diet every second of the
day, wondering if that cookie you had will require another 45 minute
aerobic session.
• No longer will you have to feel bad about yourself for not being able to live
up to all of these popular recommendations and more.
• And most importantly, no longer will you be a slave to the multi-billion
dollar fitness industry that is keeping you from reaching your goals.
Imagine having the confidence in knowing that the little time and effort you’re
spending each week is creating a healthy environment inside your body that is
simultaneously burning fat and building muscle, strength, and endurance 24
hours a day, seven days a week.
Imagine knowing that you must eat carbohydrates every day as a major part of
your food intake, and not having to worry about it all going to your belly, hips, or
Imagine knowing that you’re greatly reducing your risk of disease and other
physical and health problems as you age, and looking and feeling years younger
than you actually are.
Imagine impressing almost everyone you know with your new body and self
confidence, how that will transfer over to more success in all other aspects of your
life, and how everyone will want to know your secrets.
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
And imagine having the extra time to enjoy your hobbies and interests, and what
really matters in life…your family and closest friends. Now stop imagining,
because this really is all within your grasp…and it all starts with the principles I
reveal in this manuscript. So get excited…the best is within you!
The 1st secret to permanent fat loss and fitness is: create a lifestyle change with
systems. Now, what am I talking about here…well, for starters, if you’re not
thinking in terms of a lifestyle change, you’re in trouble. If you’re idea of fitness
is going on a diet for a little while and taking a few aerobics classes, you’re not
going to succeed. Period. If you want to live your life in your own lean, healthy,
and strong body, you need to take the steps necessary to literally change your
Now, a lot of people have heard this before, but it’s not the fact that you have to
make it a lifestyle that’s the secret…the secret part of it is how to do this
effectively. And that starts with something most people completely miss:
identifying what your lifestyle is today.
The first step is to think about your eating and exercise habits as they are now
and WRITE THEM DOWN on a piece of paper. What do you eat on a typical day
and throughout the week? How much are you eating? How often are you
working out? What kind of workouts are you doing?
You also need to examine your stress level and what are primary forces behind
your stress. You also should take a look at your rest and sleep schedule. And
lastly take a look at your mindset and your thoughts on how you see yourself and
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
your lifestyle. These questions and topics will give you a snapshot of your current
lifestyle…all on 1 sheet of paper for you to see and review.
After spending a few minutes jotting this data down and reviewing it once or
twice, you can probably start to see just how big this whole fat loss and fitness
thing really is, and why making a small temporary change here or there (as most
diets or exercise plans give you) might win a battle or two, but not the WAR
you’re fighting.
There are just too many variables to try and control by using the bandage
approach. And what I mean by that is, most people try to fix their health and
fitness problem like someone would fix a cut or scrape with a band-aid. Your
health and fitness is not a simple cut or a scrape, and it needs more than a
temporary fix. So a lifestyle change is what is needed for a long term solution to
fat loss and fitness. That is essential.
Now, once you’ve established a snapshot of your current lifestyle, you need to
move on to the second step…changing your lifestyle through systems. Here’s
what I mean by that:
Ask any successful business person what is at the heart of his or her success and
most of them will mention a system of some type. If you have a proven and
successful system, you will be successful at whatever you’re trying to accomplish.
If you don’t, you’ll be lost. I spent years of my own life searching the fitness
wasteland for methods that I could use to burn fat, build muscle, and get healthy
with little time commitment. At some point I realized that I was creating my own
system for fitness success.
Once I realized that, I was able to recommend this same system to my friends and
family members interested in lifelong health and fitness. And guess what, it
worked for those who applied. It was a proven and successful system. All I did
was apply it to another person. Just like in business, if you have a successful and
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
proven system, you can essentially apply the system over and over again to create
new businesses. They’re all based on the same successful and proven model or
Again, without a system, you may get to find what you’re looking for, but it could
take years or more, and a lot of frustration to be sure…I’m sure if you think back
to a time in your life when you were investigating a particular topic or discipline,
you’ll realize you spent a lot of time and effort in doing so.
If you had a system on how to find those answers, it would have been a lot easier
and more successful. You would have made far fewer errors and saved yourself a
load of time.
As I said earlier, I didn’t have a system early on in my fat loss struggles, and as a
result I was trying to plug the holes in my lifestyle with diets, miracle pills, and
exercise gizmos.
So analyze your current lifestyle (be brutally honest), decide what needs to
change and then get to work on getting a proven and successful system that will
create a new lifestyle for you. ..one that you can lead for the rest of your lean and
healthy life.
The 2nd secret to permanent fat loss and fitness is: Exercise less, but with more
intensity. Now, not many people have probably told you to exercise less, right?
Well, what I’m getting at here is that most people are exercising far too much, but
with not enough intensity.
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
You see, while some of the top minds in fitness are starting to realize that
intensity is the fastest ticket to fat loss and lifelong health and fitness, most are
still recommending long, boring cardio workouts as the primary form of exercise
for burning fat. And this is really sad because while this type of exercise certainly
can burn fat, it is far from the most effective of methods available.
There are a few reasons for this, but mainly it has to do with the fact that this type
of exercise primarily burns fat while you’re exercising…while this may sound
good at first, it’s actually bad news. This can cause your body to start saving a
reserve amount of fat to have available for your next long cardio session. You see,
when you exercise like this exclusively, your body wants to hold on to your fat just
so it can be burned during the next time you exercise. So if you want to burn
more fat, you’ll have to do more and more of it.
Even if this type of exercise worked really well, anyone who has experienced week
after week of hour long cardio sessions done 4 or more times per week knows that
this is far from exciting or enjoyable.
Yeah, there are exercise addicts out there who like spending their whole week in
the gym, but I know most do not. The fact of the matter is that there are more
rewarding things in life like spending time with our families, so my goal has
always been to find the most efficient route to health and fitness.
So, the way we get the results we want is by increasing our intensity. Intensity is
the name of the game in productive results-producing exercise. It’s just the way
the body responds to a stimulus. The greater the stimulus, the greater the
response from the body, provided you give it time to rest and recover.
The basic principle here is, you can work hard, or you can work long, but you
can’t do both effectively. If you’re working hard enough, you literally won’t be
able to work very long or often…you’ll be challenging your body to improve, and
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
you’ll need to extra rest to extract maximum benefit from your exercise. It is a
simple concept but the #1 reason why people’s exercise programs fail them.
They are giving their body NO REASON to change or improve when attempting
something they’re already capable of.
And when you are working with sufficient intensity, your body switches to
primarily burning calories from the carbohydrates in your muscles instead of
body fat. And after your intensity based workout is over, you body then begins to
burn existing body fat and calories to fuel the growth and repair processes that
occurs (which is a massive combination of complex chemical reactions). The best
part is, you body can continue to burn body fat like this for up to 48 hours after
this workout is over! Now you’re working smart instead of long.
Now if we simply applied this intensity principle to aerobic workouts, we
instantly make our exercise more effective. But even when doing this, I still
found the results not to be up to my expectations. Why?
Because I also had to engage in resistance training or weight training on top of
this to build fat burning muscle mass and develop a stronger body. Having to
perform two different forms of exercise each week still kept me in the gym for at
least an hour 4 or more times per week. Better, but I wanted it to be even easier
and less time consuming.
Now, you may already know that adding lean muscle mass to your body is one of
the big secrets to burning fat all day long, even when you’re not working out. The
reasons for this are two-fold:
First, a pound of lean muscle requires about 40-50 calories per day to keep alive,
and when you add several pounds of muscle, you can create a calorie deficit in
your body which melts off even more fat. On top of that, the growth and repair
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
process mentioned above that occurs after intense strength training can burn
huge amounts of calories and body fat for up to two days later.
And the health benefits are tremendous…properly applied resistance training can
increase your heart and lung’s capacity for work, with helps reduce risk of
cardiovascular disease.
The big secret I’ve found is that combining high intensity cardio with high
intensity strength training into one workout is the absolute fastest way to burning
fat, building muscle, strength and endurance…all at the same time. It awakens
and unlocks the fat burning furnace inside of your body 24 hours a day, 7 days a
It must be performed correctly however, not like you see the typical person using
weight training…but when performed correctly as I teach readers of my Fat
Burning Furnace eBook, this type of exercise will outperform anything else I’ve
seen, and will only take an average of 20 minutes per session, and only needs to
be performed twice or three times per week.
Perhaps the best part is, as you progress, you’ll have to perform even less
exercise…that’s right, even less exercise (this is an amazing but true fact of how
the body’s ability to tolerate intense exercise actually decrease the stronger and
leaner you get.)
To experience the benefits for yourself, let’s take the Squat exercise as an
example. The Squat is one of the top 2 exercises for burning fat and building a
strong and shapely body. But sadly most people spend too much time with the
exercise but not nearly enough intensity. Here’s how to change that:
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
Instead of performing a set or two of warm ups followed by 3-5 “work sets” as
most people would do, try this. Cut the amount of weight you use in half. SLOW
the movement down to about 5-10 seconds per repetition (concentrate on a slow
lifting, pausing at the top, and a slower lowering of the weight), right from the
very first one. Keep doing this until you cannot complete another repetition in at
this speed despite your greatest, and I mean greatest effort.
Now, 99% of people working out today have never experienced what you will
experience after performing only 1 set of the Squat exercise in this fashion. If you
did this right, your heart will be racing…your lungs gasping for air…your thighs,
butt, hips, and calves will feel like jello. And it probably took you only about 60
seconds to stimulate your body this way.
You can even try this without any equipment and just do a bodyweight Squat.
You’ll want to slow this down even further, depending on your strength level in
the movement, but you’ll still feel the amazing difference.
This is a window into the kind of exercise that I and my students have been using
to simultaneously burn stubborn body fat, build strong sexy muscle, strength,
and endurance, all in just minutes per week. And it can keep the fat off
permanently. Compared to what’s typically recommended these days, it’s almost
The 3rd secret to permanent fat loss and fitness is: focus on the right foods,
nutrient rich. We’ve all seen the fad diet books and plans out there that promise
all sorts of fabulous weight loss with very little effort. What we typically find out
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
though, after going on one of these diets, is that they’re unusual. They require
you follow a very unusual way of eating compared to what common sense and
Mother Nature would tell you.
We also find out that once we go off of these diets we gain the weight back faster
than we lost it, and usually add a few more pounds on top of it (often due to loss
of muscle mass in the process). This is obviously not the way to go, yet so many
people are still duped into following these wacky diets…again and again and
The big secret I’ve found in eating is that instead of focusing on what you can’t eat
or what you shouldn’t eat, we should be concentrating on the types of foods that
create an ideal environment for satisfying hunger. This is true because when it
comes down to it, we have to create a calorie deficit if we want to lose fat.
That is, we have to burn more calories than we consume. The exercise principles
I described in secret #2 will help to create a deficit without changing your eating
habits at all. But if you want fast success, and lasting success, you must employ
proper eating strategies as well.
Whether you like it or not, the big problem people have is simply eating too many
calories…there is too much going in and the only place the excess is going is to
your fat stores. So what I’ve found is that instead of restricting yourself of entire
food groups (like carbohydrates), it’s far easier and better from a fat loss and
health standpoint to concentrate on eating foods loaded in nutrients. Why?
Because our hunger is driven by nutrient consumption. Not just the
macronutrients (protein, carbs, fats), but even more so by the
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
micronutrients…the vitamins, minerals, etc. that are found in certain foods and
not so much in others. In fact most people don’t even think about this, instead
focusing on how many carbs or how much fat or protein they eat.
And the mainstream diets are this way too. When you analyze it, most diets are
just variations of either low calorie, low fat, or low carb. They’re all focused on
the macronutrients with little regard for choosing food based on the
micronutrients….which really satisfy your body and your hunger.
When you focus on these foods, many of the details take care of themselves.
Think about it, these are the foods your body craves naturally…why? Because
they’re loaded with nutrients…your body craves nutrients. I’m talking about
unrefined whole grains, beans, legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. If you
give your body what it craves, it’s very unlikely you’ll have overeating problems.
This one fact could save so many people from so many health problems it’s not
even funny. And most issues with fat gain simply disappear when eating this way
even 80-90% of the time. And on top of this, you’re automatically lowering your
chance for various diseases and ailments that plague the person on the typical
oversized and protein heavy American or western diet.
Now, focusing on nutrient rich foods is the foundation, but there are other factors
we can manipulate to get the desired fat burning effect while supporting the
muscle growth we are stimulating with our proper exercise application as I talked
about in the last secret. These include eating smaller meals more frequently,
managing your calorie intake without actually counting calories, and more.
Perhaps just as important as what foods you are eating is what you are drinking.
The habit of drinking loads of water each day should be one you want to develop
right now. While water is essential for almost every bodily process we go
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
through, it is absolutely vital to fat burning. If you don’t get your water, you can
forget about maximum fat burning.
The reason for this has to do with what happens to your body when it is
dehydrated. It basically stores fat at an accelerated rate, and the sooner you get
hydrated, to sooner your body will be able to metabolize your body fat stores for
So make sure you’re eating foods that are rich in nutrients and make sure you’re
getting more than your fair share of water. Give the body what it craves…and it
will reward you.
The 4th secret to permanent fat loss and fitness is: know the numbers.
If you don’t know the numbers, you have little chance of success in fat loss and
fitness. Let me explain. Just like anything else in life, if you’re not tracking what
works and what doesn’t work, you’ll be using a shotgun approach that will take
much longer and not work as well as an approach that includes tracking. This is
especially important in relation to your exercise and fat loss and fitness progress.
Let’s look at the business world again for a moment. In any business, at the end
of the day, results are measured by revenue, or the money that was made. If the
business owner doesn’t know the numbers, they won’t know if they’ve made any
money. And thus they have no business. Pretty simple, but the most powerful
metric a business owner can track.
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
I’m a big NBA basketball fan, but do you think I’d enjoy watching my favorite
team if they didn’t keep score? Of course not! If they don’t keep score, we don’t
know who’s winning, and thus there is no “game” to win or lose. They have to
know their numbers to know who wins and who loses.
Again, strikingly simple, but the fact is that most people don’t track their exercise
routines at all. How do they know if they’re winning or losing the fat loss game?
In fat loss and fitness it’s all about progression. When using a progressive based
form of exercise like properly conducted intense resistance training, your fat loss
and muscle, strength, and endurance gain is mirrored by how much stronger
you’re getting each workout. And as such, you should base your progress
primarily by monitoring your strength gains from workout to workout.
If you don’t know if you’re getting stronger, or how much stronger, you’ll have a
tough time advancing through the workouts and creating that fat burning
environment inside of your body.
This is because the speed of your progress is related to a combination of the
intensity you’re using, along with the volume and frequency of your exercise. By
monitoring your progress with a particular combination of these variables, you’ll
be able to adjust if necessary for optimal results.
Next, you’ll want track your body fat percentage. Forget about what the scale
says or what your “ideal weight” should be. Forget about Body Mass Index
charts. These are all measures of weight loss, not FAT LOSS. We don’t want to
lose weight, we want to lose fat.
It should then become obvious that tracking the percentage of our bodies that is
fat, and watching that number drop, is the other key factor in determining our
wins or losses in the fat loss game. (You can do that quickly with the PRIVATE
BODY FAT ANALYSIS web link you received along with this eBooklet at:
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
So you see, recording your progress is key to getting that lean and fit body you
desire and everyone else envies…and if you’re not doing it, you’re using the
shotgun approach: just spraying bullets and hoping you hit something. And this
always results in the wasting of your most valuable asset…your time.
By doing this you’ll not only be able to watch the inches melt off, but you’ll also be
able to use these records as a motivational tool, spurring you on to even further
progress…and even inspiring others you care about to do the same. So, bottom
line, make sure to keep accurate records of your workouts and your progress.
Just like in any business or in sports, you won’t know if you’re winning if you
don’t keep score.
The 5th secret to permanent fat loss and fitness is: surround yourself with
positive people. Ok this one is extremely important. Surround yourself with
positive people. I can’t stress this enough…and this might hurt your feelings a
bit, but your friends and family may be making you fat.
Think about that for a minute. Your mindset, whether you like it or not, is
shaped (and often times greatly so) by your outside influencers, the people you
choose to associate with, namely your friends and family.
If you’ve got a host of people telling you that you’ll never succeed at your fitness
goals, you’ll have a tougher time. Even if you have developed extraordinary
mental toughness, the slightest hint of doubt can cloud your mind and let loose
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
all sorts of nasty negative thoughts. And don’t think that these people will be
obvious to spot either.
I don’t mean to scare you, but you’ve probably got all sorts of negative people
around you right now. Spotting them isn’t always easy, so here are a few of the
types of naysayers that I’m talking about:
The Grinch is transparently obvious. They’re the ones that will laugh at your
goals and tell you to your face that you’ll never achieve them. These people are
usually this way because their own goals have been crushed in the past, don’t
know how to get past this, and have just given up on them at this point. They’ve
decided to be miserable and you won’t be changing their minds anytime soon.
Then you’ve got these people that have a superiority complex. I call these the
Models. Models find achieving their fitness goals relatively easy, mostly due to
genetic or situational factors, and similar to the outright negative people, will
laugh off your aspirations. They won’t take you seriously and are more concerned
with themselves then supporting your goals too.
You’ve also got those that have given up, are fat and out of shape, would rather
feel sorry for themselves and want you to be that way too. I call these people the
Babies. Babies don’t want you to succeed with your plans because they’ve had so
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
many past failures in their own fat loss goals that they’ve given up. So many
times they sabotage your plans, whether they do so knowingly or just by behaving
as they normally would. This is basically an unhealthy negative and needy person
sucking you into their lifestyle so they have some company.
So there you have it…The Grinch, The Model & The Baby. Now you know who to
watch out for.
OK, just as I asked you to evaluate your current lifestyle earlier go ahead and take
a look at the people you spend most of your time with. WRITE THEIR NAMES
DOWN on one piece of paper. Are they helping or hurting your efforts for life
long fitness and health? Why? If they’re not helping, go ahead and have a
discussion with them. Let them know you’re serious about changing for the
better and that you don’t have time for negative influences or people anymore.
And if they don’t budge, stop associating with them, or greatly reduce your
Now I realize you may have some longstanding relationships with these types of
people, and this is not an easy thing to do in some cases. But it’s a choice you
should really consider making if you’re serious about living your life in the
healthy and lean body you want to.
Where do you want to be in 5 years? Would you rather be in a new lean, strong,
and sexy body or still deciding whether or not to rid yourself of communicating
with people who are holding you down. You must MAKE A DECISION, or you
will be in exactly the same shape (or worse) as you are today.
This reminds me of my favorite quote of all time: If you think you can’t, you
can’t, and you won’t. If you think you can, you can, and you will. It’s that simple.
If others around you think you can’t, they’ll let you know one way or another, and
then it is up to you to shield yourself from this. Or, you can just work on
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
surrounding yourself with positive people, thereby making it much easier on
The 6th secret to permanent fat loss and fitness is: Get a coach or a mentor. Now
I know what you’re thinking…”I don’t need a coach or mentor, I can do it by
myself”. While that may be true, as I did it myself for the most part, it is always
easier and faster when someone shows you the way. I like to compare this with
the process of traveling a long distance. Let me explain.
If you wanted to go from New York City to Los Angeles by car, you wouldn’t just
get in the car and start driving would you? In essence, that is what many people
are doing in their quest for fitness. They are just getting in the car and driving,
with a goal in mind, but not much idea on how to get there.
Now, some people go ahead and actually grab a map and follow that. This will
certainly help you get there, giving you various roads and avenues to take. But
you’ll probably run into a few dead ends along the way. And the journey will take
longer than you’d probably like. But what if someone came to you with detailed
instructions on the exact roads to take and what traffic or construction delays to
avoid. You most certainly would get there sooner and with less effort.
Finding the right coach or mentor in your quest for permanent fat loss and fitness
can be like getting a “Google Maps” to your dream body. And before you go
ahead and think you don’t need one of these people in your life, did you know
that world champion golfer Tiger Woods has a coach?
The man with the greatest golf swing in the world and on his way to being the
greatest golfer in history (if not already) relies on a coach to help him. And
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
surprise surprise, most every successful or famous person has had a mentor or
coach at one time or still uses them today. You think Oprah, arguably the most
successful business woman in the last 100 years, does it all by herself. What
about Warren Buffet, Donald Trump, etc.? All of these people got help and
continue to get help to stay at the top of their game.
So think about it, if Tiger Woods and other super successful people need a coach
or coaches to excel and reach their goals, shouldn’t you consider having one too?
I didn’t invent the principles I teach in my Fat Burning Furnace eBook without
first studying under some mentors that laid the groundwork before me.
The great news is that it should be a lot easier achieving your life long fat loss and
fitness goals then becoming the world’s greatest golfer, so just imagine how much
positive impact a coach can bring to you.
Now, this coach or mentor could be a personal trainer who is also emotionally
supportive, or it could be a combination of a friend, a relative, or motivational
expert. It could also even be someone who supplies you with that system for
success like mentioned earlier. Whoever it is, make sure they are accessible to
you and will be there to offer the support and encouragement you need.
And don’t look for what I call a “softy”. A softy is someone who is too
comfortable with you and will let you off easy. These people make terrible
coaches. You need some one who can be supportive, but is also there to keep you
in line and give you a kick in the pants ever so often if you need it.
There’s no substitute for experience, so you’ll also want to make sure your coach
or mentor has been there and done that…not one of these talking heads that has
no real experience. You want someone that has either gone through what you’re
going through or helped others in similar situations.
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
You can’t do it alone…at least not as quick or as easy. So go ahead and get
yourself a coach…a mentor that you can look to for guidance, support, and
encouragement (and that periodic kick in the pants) as you move through to
getting the lean, strong, and healthy lifestyle you deserve.
The 7th secret to permanent fat loss and fitness is: Be a doer, not a talker or know
it all. The way I see it, there are two kinds of people in this world. You’ve got
your talkers, or what I call know it alls. And on the other side of the fence you
have your doers. Let’s talk about know it alls first.
I’m going to go ahead and say that most people fall into the talker and know it all
group. If you think about the people you know, you’ll probably notice the same
thing I have. Most people are not proactive. Most people are reactive. And when
it comes to fat loss, fitness or any other subject or discipline, you’ll find loads of
people who talk a good game, but do not practice what they preach, because they
are not doers.
And the minute you start giving them some advice, they’re quick to stop you to
tell you that they know all about what you’re telling them, because they know it
all. But wait a minute, why aren’t they doing what they apparently already know
and are aware of?
Talkers will also come up with all kinds of excuses as to why they didn’t do
something, or why something didn’t work for them. They’ll also tell you why
something isn’t going to work for you, because they know it won’t work for them
because they just won’t do it!
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
Now, I know not everybody is not 100% one way or the other on this, and you
might be a doer most of the time, but the talker in you likes to take over whenever
faced with what seems like a daunting task like burning stubborn body fat. So it
all starts with identifying who you are. Take a look at your past and how you
naturally responded to various challenges. Think back at how those situations
turned out. Did they happen the way you would have liked them to happen?
Now, for the ones that didn’t, do you think being more of a doer and shutting
down that talker side of your personality would have resulted in a more positive
Chances are, yes, it would have. Eliminating the talker side of your persona is not
always easy…it takes practice and repetition. But being aware of it and being able
to identify it when it happens is key, because when it happens…when that talker
comes out, you can make the conscious decision to squash that talker and turn on
the doer inside.
If you want to get the kind of success in fat loss and fitness that you’ve been
seeking, you must become a doer. I cannot stress this enough, because doers are
winners…they achieve goals and the things they want…talkers and know it alls
are almost always on the losing end. I know where you would rather be. So make
up your mind and get going! Be a doer, not a talker.
The bonus secret to permanent fat loss and fitness is: Invest in your health now,
don’t pay for it later. Yet another roadblock on the path to life long health and
fitness relates to what you’re willing to invest now versus what you’ll pay for later.
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
And it’s a tricky situation for a lot of people because you don’t really see what the
costs of poor health are when you’re younger.
It’s always easier to say, well it’s not going to happen to me, or some people just
ignore it all together. So they put off making that investment in their health now.
But they forget that they’re going to pay for it later, and then some. And I’ve even
talked to people who are afraid to spend a couple hundred bucks to improve their
These people just don’t get it, and don’t understand the true value of having a
lean body at all. They fall into that “talkers” category I mentioned earlier. They
probably won’t end up reaching their goals.
Now, besides the fact that investing in your health provides the cosmetic benefits
of a lean, strong, and sexy appearance, you’re also setting yourself up for reduced
risk of various diseases and medical conditions that have the potential to literally
cost you thousands upon thousands of dollars or more depending on your health
insurance situation at that time.
Not to mention spending your time to and from the doctor’s office or hospital.
And paying for medical costs when you’re older is not what most people are
looking forward to as they age. That certainly doesn’t sound like fun to me.
So take care of yourself now, while you can create a real difference in your health
risks, and do all that you can to prevent unexpected ailments in the future. Invest
in your health…don’t pay for it later.
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
Alright, so that’s it…your 7 secrets to permanent fat loss and fitness, well 8
actually. Let’s review them once more:
So there you have it, 8 powerful secrets that you can use to succeed with your
fitness goals right now. The next step is for you to find a way to apply and expand
on these secrets in your own life…
…And if you’re serious about life long fat loss and fitness, I put together a special
offer just for you to give you the jump start that you need to really super charge
your success, the right way.
Or, if you’re already making progress with your goals, my offer will give you the
exact techniques and secrets I and my readers and students use. They’ll really
give you a huge edge over almost everyone else in the pursuit a lean, strong, and
healthy body.
As I mentioned at the beginning of this eBooklet, I’ve spent the better part of the
last decade testing and examining loads of health and fitness products, systems,
and methods.
7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness
When the dust settled, I came away with core principles and methods, a few of
which I shared with you today, that I combined to create a super efficient
method for shedding unwanted body fat while building muscle, strength,
endurance, and lasting health.
It’s EASY to follow and takes just a few minutes each week.
After developing this method to the point where I felt it was simple and easy
enough to follow for most everyone, I finally put all of my secrets and techniques
into a new eBook that unlocks the natural fat burning furnace that lies dormant
in your body.
And that’s why I call my eBook, Fat Burning Furnace: The New Secret To
Fast & Permanent Fat Loss & Fitness. Thousands have already benefited
from the principles and step by step method I teach.

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